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Top 8 Amenities Renters Can’t Resist in Chico

someone holding a dog's paw

When looking for hotel accommodation, you will naturally check out the amenities available to ensure you maximize your stay. This is also the case for tenants looking to rent an apartment in Chico for a year or two. They will want to review the apartment amenities you offer and will sign the lease agreement if…

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Why Rental Properties Are Still a Good Investment When Interest Rates Rise

Rental properties are still a good investment even with rising interest rates. And here’s why… In the U.S., rental property investors have access to long-term fixed-rate mortgages. This starkly contrasts mortgages offered in other countries, where mortgages tend to be variable, renegotiable, adjustable, or flexible. These types of mortgages pose an inherent risk of unexpected…

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Things Landlords Should Be Doing Every Year but Probably Aren’t

As a landlord, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of managing properties, handling tenant requests, and keeping up with the financial aspects of your real estate investments. However, there are several crucial tasks that often get overlooked but should be performed annually to maintain your properties, ensure tenant satisfaction, and protect…

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How to Finance Investment Property

Investing in real estate can offer landlords a great opportunity to build wealth and ensure stable finances in the long run. However, one of the biggest challenges many landlords face is financing their investment properties. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various financing options available to landlords, as well as the benefits of investing…

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What To Do With Mail From Previous Tenants

Have you ever found yourself staring at a pile of mail addressed to previous tenants and wondering what to do with it? You’re not alone! As landlords, mail left behind by former residents can be a perplexing challenge.  From understanding your obligations to handling mail efficiently, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure that…

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Rental Documents Landlords Need

Landlords have a lot of duties, such as maintaining the property and screening tenants. Accompanying these responsibilities is a significant volume of documentation. Keeping all of your paperwork in order, whether it’s lease agreements, vendor bills, security deposits, or rental applications, has several benefits. One benefit is that it protects your interests in any future…

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Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Owning a rental property can be a lucrative endeavor. However, many landlords are unaware of the hidden costs associated with operating a rental business. These costs can accrue over time, impacting the rental property’s profitability.  As a landlord, you need to know what are the usual costs related to owning a rental property, what costs…

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Steps to Take After Water Damage to Your Rental Property

Whether it’s a leaking or burst pipe, water overflow, a leaky roof, or a natural disaster, water damage must be fixed immediately to prevent further damage and mitigate the risks associated with moisture. Water damage can be a devastating experience for landlords and tenants alike. Knowing the steps to take after water damage occurs on…

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